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ECAART 11 - Welcome !

Coming soon: ECAART 12 Jyväskylä, Finland - 3 to 8 July 2016

The 11th European Conference on Accelerators in Applied Research and Technology took place in Namur, Belgium, from 8 to 13 September 2013.

The ECAART is a major international meeting to present and discuss the new developments in particle accelerators and their applications in different scientific and industrial fields, such as material science, life science, archaeology, environment…

Visit the ECCART 12 website


Organized by

PMR logo

Research center for the Physics of Matter and Radiation (PMR)

Laboratoire d'Analyses par Réactions Nucléaires (LARN)

Physics department
University of Namur
Namur, Belgium

Ipnas logo

Institut de Physique Nucléaire Atomique et de Spectroscopie

Physics department
University of Liège
Liège, Belgium

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